What Is Speciality Coffee

January 16, 2024

I’m going to guide you through the essence of speciality coffee, and trust me, this isn’t just about a caffeine kick; it’s about an exceptional experience. Speciality coffee refers to the highest quality of coffee beans available, typically scoring above 80 on a 100-point scale by coffee graders. These beans boast unique flavour profiles, often influenced by their specific growing conditions.

You’re going to find out about how speciality coffee stands in stark contrast to commercial blends. While your regular supermarket coffee often mixes beans from various origins to achieve a consistent, standardised flavour, speciality coffee usually comes from single-origin sources. That means the beans are harvested from one region or even a single farm, enabling a distinct taste influenced by the local climate, soil, and altitude.

Speciality coffee

The important figures in this world are the coffee graders and organizations like the Speciality Coffee Association. They’re the gatekeepers of quality, setting the standards that turn a regular cup of joe into something remarkable. Graders meticulously examine and score beans based on aspects like flavour complexity, aroma, and balance.

Now, what does this meticulous attention to detail bring to your cup? It delivers a richer, more nuanced flavour experience that can’t be replicated by mass-produced coffee. In my opinion, once you’ve had a sip of speciality coffee, there’s a good chance your morning ritual will never be the same.

From Farm to Cup: The Artisanal Process of Speciality Coffee

When you’re sipping on a rich, expertly crafted cup of speciality coffee, you’re experiencing the culmination of a complex and careful process. This isn’t just about growing and harvesting coffee beans; it’s about an artisanal journey that is as detailed as it is passionate.

Let’s start with the farmers. These dedicated cultivators tend to their coffee plants with a high level of precision. They choose altitudes, climates, and soils that will bring out desirable flavours in the coffee beans. And they often do so with sustainability at the forefront of their practices, ensuring that the delicate ecosystems where coffee thrives are preserved for future generations.

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword in the speciality coffee industry; it is a necessity. Ethical sourcing involves mutually beneficial relationships between farmers and roasters, often including fair trade practices that support the well-being of farming communities. It’s a commitment to making sure that every hand that touches the coffee—from the pickers to the packers—is treated with fairness and respect.

farm to bean

The roasting process is where the true magic happens, transforming raw, green beans into the aromatic, flavour-packed coffee that we know and love. Specialist roasters use their deep understanding of the beans’ properties and meticulously control the roasting time and temperature to unlock each coffee’s unique profile. This artisanal approach is miles apart from the industrial-scale roasting that is typical of non-speciality coffees.

And let’s not forget the final, crucial step—brewing. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all affair. The perfect brew is often a collaboration between the barista and the cup they’re serving. It’s an art in itself, with various techniques like pour-over, French press, and espresso extracting unparalleled flavours from the beans.

You see, from planting to pouring, every step in the artisanal process of speciality coffee is guided by a commitment to excellence and an unwavering respect for the craft. So, the next time you take a sip of that thoughtfully produced brew, know that you’re part of a beautiful, intricate dance—a dance that respects tradition, cherishes quality, and always strives for the extraordinary.

Appreciating the Speciality: Savoring and Sustainability

Now, let’s shift gears from the bustling coffee farms and the fiery roasting rooms to a quieter, more personal space – your coffee cup. Understanding the flavour notes in speciality coffee is akin to appreciating fine wine. It starts with knowing your palate and being able to identify the subtle hints of chocolate, the sharpness of citrus, or the mellow smoothness of nuts and berries. The skill of savouring isn’t just for connoisseurs; it’s accessible to anyone willing to pay attention to their senses.

Admittedly, speciality coffee often comes with a higher price tag. But this isn’t just about exclusivity; it’s also about quality and ethics. You’re investing in beans that have been meticulously cared for from soil to roaster to barista to you. This price premium supports the livelihoods of growers and nurtures the very ecosystems that produce these extraordinary beans.

sustainability coffee

When you buy a bag of speciality coffee, you’re not just buying a product. You’re supporting a chain of sustainable and ethical practices that affect real people in real communities. Each purchase can help empower farmers, encourage fair labour practices, and stimulate environmentally friendly cultivation methods.

In my opinion, choosing to indulge in speciality coffee is choosing to be part of a global movement that prioritises people and the planet. It’s a daily ritual that connects us to far-off lands and the individuals who labour with love to bring us these exceptional brews. So next time you’re cradling a warm mug of your favourite delicate blend, remember the journey it’s been on. And know that by choosing wisely, you’re brewing a better world with each cup.

Whether you’re interested in a single origin or a blend, we’ve got you covered with many choices for you to choose from here, even some bundles that may help you to know what to choose. Happy Coffee Sipping!

tasting pack speciality coffee

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  1. I have had the pleasure of reading your piece on specialty coffee.  I guess the first thing that came to my mind was ‘you get what you pay for’.  It’s no surprise that specialty coffees command a higher price tag but you have done a nice job of explaining why that is.  Naturally, one would expect a higher standard at every stage of the production process and the growers themselves have a vested interest in producing beans of the highest quality.  I’m a lover of French Vanilla and some of the lattes so I appreciated your post and i thank you for sharing this interesting and educational content with us today.

    Grant R

  2. Hi there,
    Let me tell you, your article “What Is Specialty Coffee” is like a flavorful journey through the world of coffee! Your detailed exploration of the process from farm to cup is as rich and nuanced as a well-brewed espresso.
    I’m curious, though, about the roasting process. How does a roaster decide the perfect roasting profile for a particular bean? It sounds like a delicate balance between science and art, much like a chef seasoning a gourmet dish to perfection. Does this mean that the same bean can taste remarkably different when roasted by different experts?
    Thank you for sharing such a deep dive into the world of specialty coffee. It’s certainly given me a new perspective on my morning cup
    Warm regards,


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